This report is an outcome of a project supporting the promotion of lifelong learning for all in selected African countries. The project aims to increase the capacity of policy-makers and researchers to develop national policies and strategies that will establish lifelong learning systems in Africa, ultimately contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This publication showcases the advancements made by five African countries in promoting and implementing lifelong learning as per the recommendations outlined in Key Issues and Policy Considerations in Promoting Lifelong Learning in Selected African Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Rwanda and Tanzania (UIL, 2014). This continuous assessment and review of the countries’ progress can help monitor the reforms and developments taking place, and can contribute to the sharing of promising practices. The four main sections of the report include an introduction with the background to and methodology of the study; the origin, essence and benefits of lifelong learning; a compendium of good practices in promoting lifelong learning for all; and a conclusion comprising reflections on how progress can be accelerated in the region as well as potential collaboration opportunities with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL).
Attempts to implement lifelong learning concepts in the five African countries has seen mixed results, but advancements are being made. It is hoped that this synthesis report will help foster the exchange of successful practices among the countries and the further development of lifelong learning policies and strategies across the African continent.