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GEFI's Youth Advocacy Group to help young people take action on global citizenship education
The Youth Advocacy Group (YAG) for the Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) is holding a youth-led capacity building session on advocacy in Global Citizenship Education (GCED), as part of the UNESCO Youth Forum, 26 – 28 October 2015. As one of GEFI’s three priority areas, GCED helps children and youth to forge more just, peaceful, tolerant and inclusive societies. It gives learners the understanding, skills and values they need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century. Held on Wednesday, 28 October, the training session ‘Youth Advocacy Toolkit for Action on Global Citizenship Education’, will guide and encourage young people to use the ‘Education We Want, Youth Advocacy Toolkit’ to take action in GCED, both locally and nationally. The Toolkit, produced in partnership with Plan International, A World at School and the GEFI YAG, with the support from UNESCO and UNICEF, was developed for young people, by young people, and helps children and youth to effectively advocate for their right to an education. Participants in the session will learn all about GCED, and will have the opportunity to start work on advocacy strategies focused on GCED, using the tools in the Toolkit. The session is open to young people taking part in this year’s 9th UNESCO Youth Forum, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. For more information on Global Citizenship Education, go to: