ESD Zoom Newsletter
COP22: Climate Action
- COP22 advocates central role for education in international response to climate change
- Education is key for green future says UNESCO Director-General at COP22
- UNESCO launches two new publications
International Events
- First UNESCO Symposium on the Future of ESD held in Japanese town
- ESD Prize 2016 awarded by UNESCO's Director-General in Paris
- "Future of Education and Skills" meeting discusses conceptual learning framework and competencies
On the Ground
- In Ecuador, UNESCO launches Spanish version of "Tanah", a free game app to respond to earthquakes and tsunamis
- Local communities in Tanzania learn to mitigate climate change
- Promoting ESD through Community Learning Centres in Viet Nam
GAP Key Partners
- New app to discover the SDGs and share sustainable actions
- OMEP launches Resource Bank on Early Childhood Education and ESD
- Beijing International Forum on ESD gathers more than 300 experts
- ESD guidelines for schools developed by Japan now availiable in English
- Listen to Hilary Ewang Ngide speak about the commitment to the GAP of his organization CCREAD-Cameroon, following the winning of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on ESD
- "Empowering the teacher of tomorrow" at LTN Conference in Tallinn