The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe organized a four-day training course for lawyers from the OSCE-supported Women’s Resource Centres (WRCs) and local authorities from 11 to 14 August in Dushanbe. The course trained participants on how to provide legal advice and legal assistance to victims of domestic violence and people at risk of experiencing domestic violence. Some 23 lawyers from the Sughd, Khatlon, Rasht Valley regions, and Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region of Tajikistan participated.
Specialized trainers/attorneys with many years of hands-on domestic violence law experience delivered the course.
During the course participants were familiarized with the legislative framework in the field of prevention of domestic violence, international and national mechanisms, identification of domestic violence and skills of working with victims of domestic violence. Other topic covered was redirecting mechanisms and mechanisms of recovering materials and moral compensation to victims of domestic violence in criminal and administrative cases. During the event, discussions on human trafficking also took place.
Participants had a hand-on exercises and group works which helped them to discuss issues and find solutions.
Shamsiddin Mirzosafarzoda, a lawyer from the local government authority of the Dusti district, Khatlon region found useful that during the course he was able to enhance his knowledge of national and international laws and how they are implemented. He also mentioned he found the sessions on legislation in the field of combating domestic violence and human trafficking particularly informative.
Mirzoboy Mallaev, a lawyer from WRC “Kuhsor” in the Ayni district, Sughd region said: “The involvement of lawyers from relevant state structures was very good and timely. This will expand and strengthen co-operation between local structures and will lead to the improvement of activities for the prevention of domestic violence.” He added that he will use his gained knowledge and skills in his field of activity.
The OSCE Programme Office will continue to support the Government of Tajikistan in implementing the Law on Prevention of Domestic Violence. The Programme Office provides a comprehensive support to victims of domestic violence in the regions through a network of 14 OSCE-established WRCs in close partnership with local authorities.
The current activity is being implemented within the WRCs project of the OSCE Programme Office funded by Norway, the United States of America, Finland, the European Union, Andorra and Germany.
URL: https://www.osce.org/programme-office-in-dushanbe/524274