On 23 June the GEM Report will host its first-ever virtual launch of the 2020 GEM Report on inclusion and education: All means all. The webinar will include a presentation of the 2020 GEM Report and an interactive discussion with inclusion and education champions, education policy makers and donors.
Moderated by the GEM Report’s Advisory Board Chair and former Prime Minister Helen Clark the webinar will offer a deep dive into the 2020 GEM Report’s findings and recommendations. The session will include welcome remarks from UNESCO’s Director-General Audrey Azoulay, a presentation by the Report’s Director Manos Antoninis and an interactive dialogue on inclusion education with Brina Kei Maxino from the Philippines, a teacher (tbc), DFID Minister, and the Minister of Education from Sierra Leone.
Join our first ever virtual global launch to hear from inclusion champions, ministers, teachers and celebrities from different corners of the world whose stories and efforts go to the very heart of the theme of the 2020 GEM Report - inclusion.
Confirmed speakers:
This event will be offered in English, French, Spanish, and American Sign Language, with live text captions.
Register for the event here.
Kate Linkins( k.linkins@unesco.org )
Useful Links:
Global Education Monitoring Report