The year 2005 marks the midpoint of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010) as proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly.
The present report has been submitted to the UN Secretary-General for the General Assembly's consideration at its next session under the relevant agenda item which will review the midpoint of the Culture of Peace Decade. This initiative responds to the invitation contained in operative paragraph 10 of General Assembly resolution A/59/143.
The report is based on the accounts submitted by 700 organizations from all regions of the world. From the information received, it can be concluded that the culture of peace is advancing.
The report provides the first comprehensive view of the progress made by the global movement for a culture of peace, since it was called for in 1999 by General Assembly resolution A/53/243 (annexed to the end of this report).