Education for peace has got an international, regional and local interests, in particular, today's world desperately needs more than ever before to face the problems afflicting the human race, and the conflict expected to increase in the coming years. This situation confirms the importance of achieving peace in all dimensions with oneself, family, society, and the environment.
This study aimed to investigate the experiences of some countries in the field of education for peace and to draw some benefits from them. For achieving this aim, the study followed the Descriptive-Analytic Approach because of its appropriateness to the nature of the study. The sample of study dealt with three experiments in the field of education for peace in Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Sierra Leone, which were chosen after passing through a relatively long period of conflicts and disputes. By analyzing the three experiments, the similarities and differences among countries were reviewed in terms of, period and nature of conflict, foundations, objectives and content of the programs, teacher training. The study achieved some benefits through reviewing literature and analyzing the three experiences. The suggestions of the study were classified under some themes, including: foundations of peace education, its objectives, contents, and teacher training.