‘Promoting Inclusive Teacher Education’ is a series of five advocacy guides. The guides discuss challenges and barriers to inclusive education in different areas of teacher education and offer related strategies and solutions for effective advocacy towards more inclusive practices. The series begins with this introductory guide. It provides an overview of inclusive teacher education and of what advocacy means in this context. It also provides an introduction to the topics covered in the four other guides in the series. These are ‘Policy’, ‘Curriculum’, ‘Materials’, and ‘Methodology’.
Advocacy Guide 3: Curriculum – changing the overall organization and sequencing of teacher education. Curriculum refers to the overall courses of study at pre-service teacher education institutions. A curriculum is a way of organizing and sequencing learning experiences with the aim of achieving specified learning outcomes. It guides what will be learned, and why, and how this learning is facilitated. The curriculum reflects connections between society, politics and schools/teachers, so the development of inclusive curricula reflects 2 ADVOCACY GUIDE 1 3 a desire to develop an equitable, non-discriminatory society1 through attention to the overall structuring of teaching and learning within teacher education.