In the summary the author sustains: "In 2011 the Iberoamerican States Organization for Education and Culture assumed the responsibility of coordinatin the actions and follow a challenging educative programa called "Educative Goals 2021: the education that we want for the generations of the bicentenary". This article pretends to learn the full details of this program and analyze the progresses and achievements made by Paraguay, one of the countries that signed this project. Different national and international reports were analysed in order to know, in detail and in a reliable way, the results of the application and development of the eleven goals of the program regarding education in the Paraguayan context. Nevertheless, due to the extension of this article, the authors focused on three of the eleven goals and obtained very relevant results concerning the absences and achievements of the objectives of these goals. The data evidences considerable progress in the education policies since 2011 although education, selection and professional development of teachers is still lacking development." I would add that the author highlights the importance of an international and Iberoamerican citizenship.