In the year 2000, governments and development partners all over the world agreed on eight global development targets called the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The year 2015 is a pivotal year as it marks the end of the period during which the MDGs were to be reached and the year in which new global development targets are to be set. These new targets are referred to as the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This process is in its highest gear with ongoing debates and consultative meetings/initiatives globally both online and offline. While much progress has been made, achievement of the MDGs has been mixed across countries. The centrality of information and communication to development is irrefutable. The MILID Yearbook provides a case for media and information literacy (MIL) as a tool for open and inclusive sustainable development.
The 2015 edition of the MILID Yearbook displays how media and information literacy can be helpful in facilitating progress and achievement of the sustainable development goals. It is sincerely hoped that the articles in this yearbook will go a long way to sensitize the stakeholders about the role and value of MIL in sustainable development of one and all across frontiers.