As one of the co-initiators of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, Ukraine proposed to initiate a general discussion regarding the protection of monuments and sites with religious or spiritual meaning (hereinafter referred to as religious2 and sacred3 properties) at the international level. This discussion was timely and in line with one of the four themes, selected to build an action plan for the Year in the fields of UNESCO’s competence, namely to promote reciprocal knowledge of cultural, ethnic, linguistic and religious diversity. 2. This initiative, having constituted one of the essential elements of the International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures, is aimed at enhancing protection and management of religious properties. It stems from the appeal of the Ukrainian authorities, launched at the 35th session of the UNESCO General Conference (2009), inviting all Member States to participate in the International Seminar “The Role of religious communities in the management of World Heritage properties” (2-5 November 2010). This announcement was welcomed by UNESCO within the framework of the Year. Numerous Member States expressing their support for the proposal designated representatives to participate in this Seminar. The elaboration of the Kyiv Statement (as one of the main outcomes of the Seminar) and its adoption in close cooperation with representatives of religious communities contributes to the creation of a culture of dialogue.