The paper deals with technical education in Egypt that is going through a tragic situation due to its founding circumstances and its position among the education systems that do not allow technical education a space. The problems facing technical education include: 1) 80% unemployment among its graduates; 2) the obvious shortcomings in financial and human capacities, the obvious shortage in equipment, the relying on rote learning and the failure to connect theory to practice. 3) the lack of participation and coordination between technical education and institutions of production and services and the severe deficit in in the specializations that the labor market needs. 4) the clear absence of the role of the private sector in this type of education. The paper also presents some suggestions that could put a limit to class aspect in and create social justice for the technical education. The suggestions include: 1) the necessity to redefine the basic objectives of technical secondary education in light of the economic, social and political factors that influence the directions of development; 2) Reconsider the policies of the institutions of technical secondary education in order to transform them from traditional education institutions to productive technical ones by providing them with modern teaching means and attending to training and qualification; 3) the nescessity to connect technical education planning to the economic and social planning; 4) coping with the policies and programs of the of contemporary technological advancement.