This study deals with Lebanon’s Arab Identity issue in the new Lebanese curriculum through the unification of the contents of the National and Civic education subject. The study researched how this subject is presented and how to crystallize the concept of Arab Belonging, in addition to dealing with the aspects of communicating the concepts and subjects of identity and belonging. The study reveals the contents of this subject and its ability to be sustained and utilized given the changes in Lebanon following the Taef Agreement and the National Conciliation Document of 1989, and it tests the ability of this subject to withstand the other factors in bringing up the new generation - such as the effects of the family, media, environment, health and others. The analysis showed that despite that the new education curriculum calls for rallying around the fact of Lebanon’s Arab identity and that this identity is sometimes presented in a conspicuous, emotional and self-interest way, in harmony with the political changes following Taef, nevertheless, the changes in the new contents remain very advanced compared to how the identity and belonging were ignored and even fought in the old curriculum.