Why social and emotional learning is key to transform education
Since 2015, there has been significant progress towards reimagining education for wider societal transformation in support of peace, justice, inclusion, equality and sustainability. Yet, the existing challenges have intensified, and new ones have emerged.
The world is witnessing a resurgence of multiple forms of conflict and violence, from racism and discrimination, to hate speech and armed conflict. Our efforts to build sustainable peace through education are falling short. Some 250 million children are still out of school, and those in school are not acquiring the necessary knowledge and skills they need.
This guide makes the case for integrating Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in collective efforts to transform education. It highlights the impact of SEL in improving academic achievement, reducing drop- out rates, and improving overall mental health and well-being, and importantly, in strengthening emotional and relational dynamics of classrooms, schools, communities, and societies.
The guide synthesizes the latest research and practice from the world, including case studies of concrete SEL implementation. It provides policy-makers with preliminary guidance to facilitate their conceptualization and integration of SEL in all facets of their education systems to build long-lasting peace and sustainable development.