This paper will address how digital games may be uniquely suited to further the work of peace education and conflict resolution. There is a scarcity of research that specifically studies how digital games, as dynamic and interreactive learning tools, can be leveraged to support and enhance the closely related fields of peace education or conflict resolution; however, research in a number relevant sectors will be recruited to better understand the topic and expose gaps for further work.
After defining basic terms, the first section will briefly discuss the aims of peace education and interactive conflict resolution and how digital games can assist in facilitating intergroup contact and collaboration.
The heart of the paper will examine several serious games for their potential to cultivate perspective-taking and empathy, explore ethical dilemmas, promote intercultural understanding and encourage a sense of complicity, all crucial components in the work of peace education and conflict resolution.
The final section will discuss the importance of context and reflection when implementing digital games and consider whether they can produce long-term, sustainable changes to behaviors and attitudes.