This publication, United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and the Right to Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict, seeks to respond to the acute need to identify trends in the practice, and contribution, of United Nations human rights mechanisms to the protection of education in times of insecurity and conflict. It is the result of a one-year research project carried out by researchers at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (Geneva Academy).
The research was overseen by a Legal Advisory Committee and subject to multi-disciplinary peer review. Accompanying the publication is a summary policy document intended to guide future work in this area. An electronic version of each publication is available at http://www.geneva-academy.ch and at http://www.educationandconflict.org.
United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and the Right to Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict is the second in a series of legal research documents commissioned by Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC) on the protection of education during insecurity and armed conflict. PEIC is a programme of the Education Above All Foundation, an independent organization chaired by Her Highness Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser of Qatar, UNESCO Special Envoy for Basic and Higher Education. A policy, research, and advocacy organization, PEIC is concerned with the protection of education during insecurity and armed conflict. PEIC’s Legal Programme contributes to such protection through the strategic use of international and national law. Its legal research papers are authored by academics and/or practicing lawyers. They are aimed at a varied audience, including international and national lawyers; non-legally trained education experts and policy-makers within governments; political, social, and cultural bodies; and civil society.
The Geneva Academy aims to provide instruction of a high academic standard, conduct and promote scientific research, organize training courses and expert meetings, and provide legal expertise in the branches of international law relating to situations of armed conflict. Founded in 2007, the Academy replaces the University Centre for International Humanitarian Law created in 2002 by the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, now the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies(IHEID).