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Women’s Rights in Review 30 Years after Beijing
Place of publication | Year of publication | Collation: 
New York | 2025 | 29.p.
ISBN: 9789211071771
Corporate author: 


In 2025, the world celebrates 30 years of achievement on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a visionary 1995 plan agreed by 189 governments to achieve the equal rights of all women and girls.


The UN Secretary-General’s report on the 30-year review and appraisal of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action reflects global, regional, and national reviews of 159 countries, summarizing progress and priorities for further action. It finds that many countries have made strides on gender equality and women’s empowerment, from banning discrimination in employment to adopting gender-responsive climate action plans. Innovation is accelerating progress, and opportunities are opening to scale up proven strategies. Yet gender discrimination remains deeply embedded in all economies and societies, imposing chronic constraints on the rights and hopes of women and girls.

Resource Type: 
International normative instruments / policy and advocacy documents
Human rights
Sustainable development / sustainability
Level of education: 
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Lifelong learning
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)
Non-formal education
human right
Women's rights
Women's empowerment
gender equality
Leadership and political participation
Intergovernmental processes
Beijing Platform for Action
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Ending violence against women and girls; Youth
Economic empowerment
sustainable development goals