This summary for policy- and decision-makers provides a brief overview of the key findings and trends, a synopsis of highlights, challenges and actions across all levels and areas of education, and steps for scaling up actions presented in the UNESCO 2014 Global Monitoring and Evaluation Final Report, Shaping the Future We Want – UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). The Final Report provides an assessment of progress towards embedding education for sustainable development (ESD) into education systems and into sustainable development efforts. Building on the findings of the past two DESD Global Monitoring and Evaluation reports, and based upon Member States’ and other stakeholders’ assessments of the current state of ESD, the Final Report maps the achievements and challenges of a decade of progress and action on ESD at the global, national, regional and local levels, and within all areas and levels of education. The Final Report concludes that a solid foundation has been laid for ESD at the end of the DESD, achieved by raising awareness, influencing policies and generating significant numbers of good practice projects in all areas of education and learning. At the end of 10 years of work, 10 key findings and trends have emerged that will guide ESD into the future. The report also shows that despite the successes, a full integration of ESD into education systems has yet to take place in most countries.